15. MAD MAX: FURY ROAD Group Review

(5.17.15) In this special episode of TMBC, our heroes bravely and boldly go where probably a lot of people have gone before: reviewing Mad Max: Fury Road. Listen in to find out what we thought, along with our special hitch-hikers, Devin and James! Find us on facebook: facebook.com/thatmightbecool, Instagram/Twitter: @thatmightbecool, email: feedback@thatmightbecool.com. Don't forget to leave a review!

13. Winter Soldier Collection. FINALLY!

(4/22/15) We finally get to the Winter Soldier Collection review like we've been promising for what seems like forever! Plus, get the top geek news of the week in a sweetened condensed can, and let us pour it all over you! *Clarification* We will not literally pour anything on you. Sorry. *End clarification* Follow us on Facebook: Facebook.com/thatmightbecool, Twitter/Instagram: @thatmightbecool, and as always, leave us great reviews! :D

12. Who Wants to Be a Superhero?

(4/15/15) In this GROUP episode, a bunch of people are now superheroes! Also, we have a visit from a surprise guest! Take a listen to find out who! Follow us on all your social networks! Instagram: @thatmightbecool Facebook: www.facebook.com/thatmightbecool Twitter: @thatmightbecool And don't forget to leave us a rating to help others find the show! Thanks, as always, for listening!